Saturday, 5 February 2011

you see meg things always work out if you just do whatever you want

without worrying about the consequences,there's a few people dealing with consequence's right now. I kinda figured the olympics would bring some lasting problems for whistler, this one is a pretty wild story if you haven't heard. there's several different takes on the story but it's been front page just about everyday for a week or two.. (this is really the biggest worry in the world right now?) there's a bunch of different versions of the story if you're so inclined, here. I"m mostly curious as to how stupid you would have to be to try and kill 100 dogs in front of each other and have it go any sort of smooth. All in the technique i guess.

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
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In sports news, Datsyuk's hand is still fucked and he ain't playing yet...fuck...oh well at least Cleary's back! And other folks getting back to it include the playa himself, TJ Lavin's gettin himself re-habed up, you can read all aboot that over here on espn. and while you're over there, there's some good read's of old sheep hill's action there too.

i fucking love this cartoon...

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
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