Back in August we had a big trail digging and riding session on Stephan's last day in Whistler. Everyone picked up a shovel or a hose and got down and dirty at the trails watering and fixing all the landings and lips of the jumps so we could have a sick day riding.
Bruno was there spraying down Lapin's line while Dave and Henry where sweeping the jumps.
I went over to the second landing of the big line and Luke was there making the landing look good with the biggest smile on his face.
Not long after the jumps where prepped for riding Dave was already in there throwing down 360's on the 3rd jump of the big line. That kid doesn't have time for warm ups.
Now that the session was on and my flashes where out action started up all over the place, Bruno was hitting the wall ride with some mellow tables to start of the day while Dave was boosting a few feet above the coping on the wall.
All of a sudden Bruno had an idea to pull out the hose and started to get clever. While Luke was pulling some sick Inverts Bruno was right there to spray him while he was doing it.
Since this was Stephan's last day to ride the trails before he journeyed back to Montreal you know he had to pull out all the tricks for the camera.
I managed to get a few snaps of Stephan riding Coast to Coast on the Wall and doing some nice foot plants to start his session off right.
With so many different line variations at the trails it hard to keep up with the amount of riders shredding that day so I had to multi task with my slave flashes at different jumps so I could move around and capture all the action.
At this point Luke started to hit up Lapin's line with some un-look back's followed by Bruno with some nice X-up's on the buttery smooth jumps.
When I thought the action was coming to a hault I see Dave flying threw and pulling new tricks out of his hat that I've never seen before. Dave ripped threw Lapin's line pulling a Griz Air one hander. It's hard to see his hand because it's blocked by his tire but if you look close you'll see how technical it really is.
After shooting a bunch of Lapin's line I moved one jump closer to the 3rd jump of the big line to catch Luke doing the hugest no hander's that I've ever seen at the jumps.
Shortly after Luke's sick no hander Dave rolls in with a solid tail whip which Is another trick I rarely see happen at the trails, but I guess this was another day of firsts.
As the day we rolling to an end Luke was still ripping hard with some dunked out toboggan's so stylish that It took me a few tries to show it justice.
To top it all of Dave end's the day with the most stretched out Super-man that I've ever seen him do.
To finish it off Dave come's around for the grand slam with the most dunked 360's I've ever shot, and I don't think it can get more styled out than that.
I have to say it was one of the best sessions of the summer.