Sunday, 3 August 2014

slag now or slag later?

some silly sod was texting me to get up this morning so off to the trails for the crack of noon. just in time for the temperature to start climbing into the 30's.. sweet.

one bucket of water for the trails, one for me..

serious knight rider scenes from catty by the good folks at dig mag. stolen off collateral

Sunday, 20 July 2014

riding on an iron butterfly

so there was a bit of stuff going on, had a Canada Day jam under threat of rainy skies that held off 'till the night. Things were pretty sweet, and i got a few snaps in before my batteries died out. Teet is a savage mo fo.

keep calm.

Sunday, 25 May 2014

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

stay outta malibu deadbeat

fucking fascist…

Sorry Jon, no trails.. but some clips gathered over frigid winter nights huddled in the basement dreaming of chestnut beers and flowing dirt.. rock on

Sneekside sessions vol. 1 ? from timokanefoto on Vimeo.

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

race or die

hell of a backyard training track seen on cydi

talked to alex the other day, rocking his new job and riding taz.

Friday, 14 February 2014

keep it dirty

Checked out the kill em all site and dirty dave is taking a step back from the spotlight. Check out this vid an a couple more on the site and there's  few pics after the break.

Thursday, 30 January 2014

the next big thing from pawoods

not from austin texas

13 y/o jack pearson

and saw this on trail rambling, he's frickin' 11.

and already filming and editing with his brother who's 5… they'll be stealing contracts in no time..

BEAU BAKER BMX EDIT from brady baker on Vimeo.

and back to canada, jason teet in van filmed by sharpe

BSD - Jason Teet - Fall in Vancouver from BSD on Vimeo.

Saturday, 25 January 2014

sweet look at that one!

let's keep driving..

great philosophy

here's that pump track we never found, gotta stop by next year.

walnut creek from cydi 

And here's a bunch of video's surrey put together with
texas toast street comp from surrey steve

TEXAS TOAST 2013 from S.S mixtapes on Vimeo.

hevil hd 2050 video teaser

HEVIL HD M-F from S.S mixtapes on Vimeo.

From the chillemall

from andy in washington, another chillemall jam edit.

dog party

Sunday, 5 January 2014

poppa's got a brand new box

so get your pegs out and go real slow…

then go watch punjab rip…

fuck yeah, think i'm gonna play me some dave mirra freestyle bmx tonight after the sesh ha..

Saturday, 4 January 2014

parlez vous espanol?

don't matter what you speak when it comes to dirt. this spot in spain looks fun as heck. from the trail life site.

and this teaser for a video those kids are putting together that i missed, world wide trailsing. heavy metal will never die.

the return of the ghost's of summers past? someone was messaging looking to get a job lined up out here pretty soon..