Monday, 19 July 2010

fisherman's excuse cap

maybe luke shoulda borrowed mine..good weekend at the trails.. rode the small line a bit, feel's terrific.. our newest transplant dale thinks the guy lafleur hip is "bullshit"

so a week and a half 'till the lake jumping championships, and i did a little lookin and kaslo also has a skatepark...let's do this shit

video dump

vive la resistance

weekend campagnard!! from JeremyMuller on Vimeo.

skate plaza edit with some kids and surrey and grosser

Plaza edit from Jettyev on Vimeo.

andrew gobbo and alex and another dude trippin to the island

Vanfuver Island Trip Day[s] Edit Vol 4.0 July 7-8 from Andrew Gobbo on Vimeo.

Salty Highway / Low Budget No Budget. Tate Roskelley and Benjamin Williams from Benjamin Williams found on thecomeup

Salty Highway / Low Budget No Budget. Tate Roskelley and Benjamin Williams from Benjamin Williams on Vimeo.

strawberry jam from build the woods

Strawberry Jam from Robert Wells on Vimeo.

random trails vids from pretty shady

HoPpy coOl from guiguihoppy on Vimeo.

GOpro-7.16.10 from craig on Vimeo.

and maybe i'll get something put together

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