Tuesday, 23 September 2008

well you got me that time god,good one

rained the fuck out..... so much for dancing

so we got some diggin in friday getting ready for some jam time and it pissed rain all day saturday... what do you do? get ceaser kit's and ghetto lasagna...

and when you have too many drinks the power tripping starts..

and shit get's messy

so cotton's back off to england 'cause the bank of luke is almost going bankrupt... so see ya fucking later mate, catch ya next year a! fuckin pedo

and now for the entertainment....

little jeff s&m video

LilJeff Web Vid from Phillip Sheldon on Vimeo.

levi's trailer, actually looks like it'll be a good video and it's free with issue 67 from dig... sweeeeeeeeeeeeet

and macneil is gonna be making some booze cruisers in the near future, check 'em oot here, and look in the bottom right of the picture for the link to the pic's of the bikes... they look pretty sweet for cruisers, and they're not gay ass fixed gears...seriously, these guy's are fucking retarded, how many standing skids and barspins would be in a whole video of that shit, that's pretty much all you see.... alllllllllllllllllllllllllll homo

oh yeah, where's my money cotton?

and to end it, wow me

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